The online shop for lakeballs of all kinds.
About Us
The idea was born through Corona. We, three golf buddies, have been looking for something to do in connection with our beloved golf sport through the pandemic. Since Sven is a keen diver and couldn't fly to dive like he wanted, one day Andreas came up with this idea. Through our very good friend David, who is the head green keeper in one of the best golf courses in Germany, we got access to the golf course and its lakes. Heiko then ordered a ball washing machine because cleaning the balls by hand is very demanding and time-consuming in the long run.
Due to this new and time-consuming work for us, we have hardly been able to play golf for ourselves. We really hope that this doesn't affect our own HCP...
Each of us has his areas in this very complex work.
To the best of our knowledge and belief, we offer you our dipped, cleaned golf balls. Of course, we always have a lot of discussions ourselves about how and which ball has what quality. Only one thing is very important to us and is very close to our hearts. We will not refurbish or paint balls.
We not only want to sell balls, but also protect the environment, as this has become very important to us! When a ball lands in a lake or pond, you no longer think about what will happen to it. The flora and fauna is adversely affected over the years by the balls lying in the water for too long. The plastic of the ball should not get a chance to get into the water or soil. That is why we consider our work to be very important. With the purchase of the lakeballs you contribute to environmental protection. We dispose of 20% of the dipped balls directly, as they have been in the lake for too long and have already had an impact on the environment.
By selling lakeballs we offer a very good alternative to new balls.
(Texts and images from our own production)